Data recoreded today, April 20th, is still very encouraging, with continuous drops in many important areas.
The news of the day
For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic the total number of positive cases has dropped! Today there are 20 positive cases less than yesterday, a very important factor that, if confirmed in the next few days, it would mean that the worst is over!
The spread
The data of the daily infected people has decreased since yesterday. Today 2,256 new cases have been recorded, for a total of 181,228. These data are the result of 41,483 swabs, a high number of tests, but lower than in previous days. The percentage of positive swabs is 5.4%, which is very important and remains low.
Other important data
Today 1,822 people have been healed, out of a total of 48,877. The epidemic curve also descend, from 1.73% to 1.26%.
From hospitals
As for hospital the declining trend continues, thanks to a considerable decline in patients in intensive care units and patients with symptoms. ICU patients are 2,573, 62 less than yesterday. The number of patients hospitalized with symptoms falls again, 127 patients fewer, out of a total of 24,906.
Death tool
Unfortunately, the positive data that arrive are all secondary compared to the number of deaths. 454 people passed away in the last 24 hours. A high figure, but destined to drop, thanks to the drop in infections and hospital pressure.