la nuova italia - strada illuminata dall'alba

The new Italy after Coronavirus: what’s coming next

The new Italy, the one that will born after the coronavirus emergency is to be discovered. Even though the terrible pandemic is still ongoing, it is clear that the repercussions on society will be severe. Changes in our lifestyles are part of a necessary revolution.

The new Italy starts again from creativity

It seems clear that this crisis is not temporary. Similarly, Covid-19 has long-term consequences that are still difficult to predict. The models we have available to predict long-term effects are inadequate. But Italians are a people who is able to face the deepest changes. Even though these dramatic contingencies force people to radically change their way of life, we can benefit from the serious situation to seek revolutionary solutions for the benefit of all. In the first place we think of how Italy is a small country, yet we have half of the world’s artistic heritage. Our country is famous for its natural beauty, fashion, food and wine. But we are also a people of music, literature, crafts, industries and many other things. This can be the basis for building a new future. A tricolor future, in the name of Made in Italy.

The new Italy designed today

The impact of this pandemic on our future lives depends on how we will get through the crisis. According to the experience we have of other major crises such as war, fear is always the protagonist. In fact, the fear of returning to the former life or the desire for normality is human. We don’t know if our talent will be successful. Differently than the end of a war, a pandemic can have a “tail”. The risk is therefore that getting back to normal will be less rapid. But it seems that Italians have all the ingredients to pull it off.

la nuova italia - Quarantena
The new Italy is coming into being today, precisely in these days that we are forced indoor

When the coronavirus pandemic will be over, Italy has must act on factors that can reduce future risks. In fact, in a few weeks a new scenario will face us with a new challenge. There is talk of reconciling public health with the need to restart the economic-productive system and the various activities. We also know that we must start again with new rules of behavior and work management. Above all, collective spaces need to be reorganized.

How will we change after the pandemic?

Italy must think about how to start again. As far as we know, perhaps, the first steps could begin on April 6 with the probable reopening of the companies. Likewise for our country the reopening for citizens can be April 14, after Easter. Shops, bars and restaurants wait until April 21, but are obliged to keep a distance between constumers. There is talk of May 2 as a useful date to remove travel restrictions for all and reopen schools. But these are not rigid dates, but forecasts.

the new italy la nuova italia - Creatività
The new Italy starts again from its history, from nature and from the creative genius of Italians

In fact, much will depend on the progress of the epidemic day by day. Experts can read and discuss data based on deviation from the forecast. To build the new Italy we are all learning to be patient. Above all, we learn to recognize the need to change strategies. Italians become mentally elastic. This is an example of what to make a virtue of need means. Meanwhile, we learn that waiting is part of the change.



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