Spaghetti with clams on the plate

The most loved pasta in the world? Spaghetti with clams!

Spaghetti with clams: the most beloved first course by Italians in Italy and worldwide. Surely this is a succulent dish, the highlight of the cuisine. Today we will tell you its ingredients and all the secrets on how to cook this delicacy.

Spaghetti with clams: recipe of the day by

It is a dish typical of the Neapolitan culinary tradition and it certainly is one of the most appreciated dishes of Italian cuisine. It is loved precisely for its irresistible taste, but also for its simplicity, it manages to perfectly reconcile the love of fish with that of pasta: in fact it is a perfect marriage.

Spaghetti with clams on the plate

We are talking about a dish that tastes just like summer, but which is also made and enjoyed in the winter, as the clams be found all year round. All ingredients together create a mix of colors on the plate that will make your eyesight happy. And if it is true that we eat with our eyes first, we can also say that the stomach will not be dissatisfied with this extent of immeasurable uniqueness.

The necessary ingredients

To make this dish you will need the following ingredients: 350 grams of spaghetti; 1 kilo of clams; garlic; salt; pepper; parsley; cherry tomatoes; white wine, olive oil. This is the recommended dose for 4 people.

How to cook spaghetti with clams

As for the procedure, first take the clams and put them to purge in cold water and salt for at least 12 hours, in order to help the elimination of the sand inside them. Remember to change the water a couple of times, to be sure that there are no further impurities. Then put them to drain and in the meantime, in a pan, fry a clove of garlic cut into small pieces and add the clams and let them open. Once opened, remove them from the heat and remove the closed ones. Moreover, filter the water left by the clams and set it aside.

Spaghetti with clams
It is a dish of the Neapolitan tradition

Then, in a pan add the oil, a whole garlic clove and white wine. Then, evaporate the alcohol; add the water of the clams and boil. Add salt, pepper and the clams you had previously opened. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, cook spaghetti. Once ready, drain and sauté them in the pan with the clams. Then, serve hot by adding the parsley and cherry tomatoes cut into small pieces.

Our tips

To give your dish a ‘spicy’ touch, you can add red chilli pepper. In our recipe, we suggested you add cherry tomatoes in order to give an extra note of color. Alternatively, you can also add vegetables, such as courgettes; or, tomato sauce or bottarga. Remember to carefully choose the clams, as they must be of quality. Remember to clean them properly to remove the sand using water and salt. Specifically, for each liter of water, you will need about 40 grams of salt. Clams must not touch the bottom of the bowl otherwise it becomes difficult to eliminate the sand. If you want to shorten the time, you can use frozen clams, easily available in various supermarkets. And so, enjoy your meal!


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