Soft blackberry and chocolate tart

Soft blackberry and chocolate tart

Soft, wood-scented tart, which in all ways reminds us of summer. With a white and black chocolate cream, tasty and not too sweet at the same time.

Production time: 1 hour + rest times
Degree of difficulty (from 1 to 5): 1


For the base
150 g flour ’00
80 ml milk
100 g sugar
2 eggs
80 g butter
1 packet of baking powder

For the cream
300 ml whipping cream
200 g more
100 g white chocolate

Process to make the tart with blackberries and chocolate

First beat the eggs with the sugar for at least 5 minutes until a light mixture is obtained.
Add the butter at room temperature and the milk, continuing to mix the ingredients.
At this point we can add the sifted flour and baking powder. Grease and flour a smart mold and pour the mixture into a preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 25 minutes.

Soft blackberry and chocolate tart on tray

When the base is cooked, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a few hours. At this point, remove the base from the mold by turning it over from the side where the cream is applied.
Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and whip the cream. Once the chocolate has melted, leave it to cool for a few minutes only without letting it harden and then add it to the cream.
Wash the blackberries well, dry them and pour them into the cream and chocolate mixture.
Finally pour the cream into the cake cavity leveling it with a spatula and decorate with other blackberries as desired. Store in the fridge and serve cold.
The recipe was made by Valentina Nunneri.



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