New record of healed people!

Today, April 8, there is a new record of healed people. The number of infected people and current positive ones rose slightly compared to yesterday. But the most importat figure is the number of swabs! Let’s see in detail.

The spread

The number daily infected people has increased since yesterday. In fact, it passes from 3,039 to 3,836, (+797). A very slight increase compared to the number of swabs, which since the beginning of the emergency is at an all-time high. 51,680 swabs carried out today, therefore reaching a very low percentage of positives compared to the number of swabs (7.4%).

new record

Other important data

A slight increase in the growth of the daily currently infected patients. It goes from 880 yesterday to 1,195 today (+315). However very encouraging number, considering the number of swabs. In addition, there is an excellent figure regarding healed people. Today the highest number of healed has been reached: 2,099, (the previous record was 1,590) therefore +509. Slight increase also in the daily percentage changes, that is, how the growth in percentage terms of the total cases day by day varies. Yesterday it was 2.29% (lowest rate recorded), while today it is 2.83%. Here too a very slight increase, which is not a major problem.

Good news from hospitals

Overcrowded hospitals are one of the biggest problems created by this epidemic. For a few days now, huge drops in the total number of people in intensive care have been recorded. Even today the positive trend continues, with 99 more free places. Even the figure regarding the total number of hospitalized patients with symptoms is continuously decreasing, 233 fewer patients!

Keep it up!

We are seeing significant improvements in the fight against Coronavirus, day by day. This is possible thanks to the measures taken, and thanks to all the people who are meticulously respecting them. The most important thing now is don’t give up, We have to keep it up. We stay at home and respect the rules, with the awareness of moving on to the famous “step 2” as soon as possible.

Death tool

Death tool is falling gradually, but unfortunately is still too high. Today, 542 victims are registered, (-62 compared to yesterday). This figure will be the last one to decrease, since it is a consequence of what has been occurring in the previous weeks. Therefore, it is hoped that these drops in infections and hospitalized patients could lead the number of deaths to drop dramatically in a short time.


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