From tomorrow, Thursday June 11, the Italian Civil Week will begin, the first digital event dedicated entirely to people, solidarity and the civil economy. Scheduled for March, like any other event planned in the midst of the pandemic, it has been postponed. There will be no public of course, it will be a digital happening open to anyone who wishes. Streaming on
We should have met the first week of March – the promoters communicate -, we will be back ‘live’ next year. In the meantime, in order not to waste the energies and the many ideas born around the project, we decided to proceed.
It will therefore be a «Lab» Civil Week. A laboratory of ideas and testimonies, an experiment to raise awareness about topic such as kindness in all its forms – personal, community, economic, – among the Italian community. A digital format laboratory – we can read on the press release – which re-proposes the themes of civic sense, active citizenship, solidarity.
Two days full of meetings. Many adhesions. Of course, the opening of the works, at 9 on Thursday morning, on the topic: The republic and the constitution. A video reading of the constitution – we read in the program – with the incursion of the actress Anna Foglietta. Then the intervention of the President of the Constitutional Court Marta Cartabia.
Still on Thursday, for those who wants to log in at lunchtime, around 12.30 the video debate Third Sector at the Covid Test will be live, among the experts there will be Elio of the band Elio e le storie tese. Interventions by city authorities and solidarity bodies will follow. Don’t mess with the virus? will close the day. Giacomo, of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, will be online.
Friday, June 12, another rich day. At 9.30 the meeting Cittadini Gentili, followed at 10 by La Gentilezza s’impresa (with a performance by the actor Gianni Ferrario). It will be interesting to log in again at lunchtime. At 12.30 for Which capitalism will save us? we will listen to a video testimony by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. The (in) sustainable choices. Reflections for the common good will follow. So a note of hope, but also of strength and resilience, at 5.30 pm, with Even the virus can’t stop us and the intervention of Alex Zanardi. The works will close in music at 6pm with The artists too have a soul. Francesco Gabbani and Eddy Veerus are the guests.
The meetings will be interspersed with clips made by national bodies of the Third sector, video testimonies of the days of the pandemic. Each of the associations will be the protagonist of the parallel schedule “Living with Instragram stories and Facebook lives which will be posted on the social channels of Corriere Buone Notizie. Two days for everyone, for anyone in every part of Italy who had some time to connect and listen, and think. A lab devoted to the common good, to sharing kind ideas for the Italian future.