Spend the holidays there is always something in the fridge, leftovers of basic preparations or some ingredient we do not know what to do. And then the imagination must provide to enhance these products still excellent, because in the domestic economy nothing should be thrown away but rather, recovering these leftovers can give rise to extraordinary results completely unexpected. This is what happened: I made some shortcrust pastry (I do not insert the ingredients because any short pastry could be used), it was enough chocolate, nuts or hazelnuts and eggs, products that are easily found in the pantry, to give life to a very simple but delicious tart.
Construction time: 1 hour
Degree of difficulty (from 1 to 5): 2
Tart mold 25 cm
320 g of shortcrust pastry
85 g of 72% chocolate
85 g of butter
70 g of weak flour
170 g of sugar
85 g of walnuts or hazelnuts in small pieces
2 eggs
Procedure to make shortcrust Brownie
Accendete il forno a 200 °C; rivestite la teglia con la frolla, mettete in frigorifero per una mezz’ora.
Coprite la frolla con un foglio di carta argentata e riempite con dei pesini. Cuocete per 20 minuti, poi togliete pesi e foglio e cuocete ancora per 5 minuti. Fate raffreddare. Abbassate il forno a 180°C.
Sciogliete il cioccolato e il burro a bagnomaria, inserite gli altri ingredienti mescolando bene. Versate nella frolla, livellate e cuocete per 20 minuti, non di più, deve rimanere umido. Fate raffreddare completamente prima di decorare e servire.
La ricetta è stata realizzata da Roberto Saluzzi.
Turn on the oven at 200 ° C; cover the pan with the pastry, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Cover the pastry with a sheet of silver paper and fill with small pieces. Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the weights and the sheet and cook for 5 minutes. Let it cool. Lower the oven to 180 ° C.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a bain-marie, add the other ingredients, mixing well. Pour into the pastry, level and cook for 20 minutes, no more, it must remain moist. Allow to cool completely before decorating and serving.
The recipe was created by Roberto Saluzzi.