Amazonia on fire means seeing the green lung of the planet burning. The Amazonia, once very luxuriant and overflowing with millions of life forms, is South American equatorial rainforest in great danger. The forest’s first threat came with the Spanish conquerors in the “new world”, which prompted the Indians to flee and many even let themselves die. Today, however, the danger is renewed more violently.
Amazonia on fire
Amazonia on fire is a dramatic title that we would never have wanted to read, because it means that a natural balance that affects us all is cracking. The vast area is over seven million km². Understanding how vast this territory is, is not simple, but it is enough to consider that the wooded area occupies about 5.5 million km².
About 65% of the Amazonia forest is in Brazil, but it also extends to Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana. We are talking about a big lung, but it is in trouble, it risks drying up and the consequences are already seen with the indigenous population on the run.
Amazonia on fire and an endangered species
Today the green Amazonian lung is burning continuously, and in addition to the horror of human lives; we are witnessing a reduction in oxygen production, which could drop by 20%. Unfortunately the responsibility lies with man, since most fires are still due to deforestation, because the use of fire is one of the techniques used.
Animals have the worst, because there are about 2.5 million insect species in the region, 3,000 species of fish. At least one fifth of all the birds in the world are found in the Amazon forest, 1294 species, alongside 427 types of mammals. Many amphibians and reptiles risk extinction, not to mention the 60,000 species of plants. The Brazilian Space Research Institute has estimated that fires have increased by 83% since the beginning of the year. 73,000 fires were recorded, 52% of which in the Amazonia. Every minute an area equivalent to three football fields is burned in the area.
Unfortunately the basis of the immense tragedy is the sacking of the Amazonia and its extraordinary resources. All this means a violence, sometimes creeping and sometimes blatant, towards the indigenous peoples who now live precariously in those territories. Fine wood, emeralds, gold, pastures and crops are the basis of deforestation.
Amazonia tribes are the first victims, but not the only ones. In South America, governments are sometimes accused, or the environmentalist NGOs are not careful, but sterile polemics are not resolving the dramatic situation. Meanwhile, on social media, the hashtag #PrayforAmazonas is now viral.
Every day thousands of photos of the fires are shared everywhere. NASA, too, has posted the eloquent image of the Amazon forest, captured by a satellite, in which smoke and desert are seen advancing.