Today, March 25th, the number of infections has decreased slightly since yesterday!
Infections has decreased slightly
The number of people infected by Covid-19 has decreased after yesterday’s spike. The number of infected people today is 5210, 39 less than yesterday, March 24th. A really slight drop, but one that is of great importance, considering that the infected are not increasing. Furthermore, 5985 more tests were made today since yesterday, and therefore the drop in the number of infected people is even more significant.
Other favorable figures
For the fourth day in a row, the currently positive ones decrease, dopping from 3612 on March 24 to 3491 today, (-121) compared to yesterday. In addition, there is a significant drop in the daily percentage change, or how the growth in percentage terms of the total cases day by day varies. From 8.2% yesterday to 7.5% today, the curve is decreasing! Furthermore, the biggest increase today is that of people who have healed: from 894 to 1036, (+142) compared to yesterday.
Infections has decreased but stay home!
We will not stop saying it until the emergency is over. You have to stay home, it’s the only way to win this war. The measures taken by the government are working, but we can’t give up. Stay at home as much as possible and remind everyone to do the same. The lives of many people and the future of Italy depend on the actions of all citizens!
The number of victims also decreases
Today 683 people passed away, but they or 60 less than yesterday. Unfortunately, there are 683 victims, we must decrease this number to 0 before we can truly rejoice.