Cura Italia, that is ‘heal Italy’. This is the name of the decree passed by Italian government led by Conte to support businesses and families facing the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus emergency. The decree provides for a real economic package of 25 billion euros. “It is a powerful economic package – said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte – we have not thought of and do not think of fighting a flood with rags”.
We are trying to build a dam to protect businesses, families and workers. We can speak of an Italian model not only for the contrast strategy but also of an Italian model for the strategy of economic response to the Coronavirus epidemic”.
Cura Italia, new resources for health and civil protection
This new decree contains health measures: 1.15 billion and 1.5 billion for civil protection. Funds are provided for overtime for doctors and nurses who are the real heroes of this historical period marked by the pandemic. The “Cura Italia” decree allows prefects to commandeer hospitals and other facilities for people in quarantine.
In addition, the government provision gives the possibility to the Civil Protection and the new extraordinary commissioner for the health emergency, to requisition structures and means to strengthen the hospital wards. The commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, will be able to face the great shortage of masks and other intensive care machines also by starting new production lines.
Support to the productive world, the benefits of Cura Italia
The Cura Italia decree also aims to support companies that necessarily had to stop due to the health emergency. But there are also measures in favor of the manufacturing companies that are constantly working ensuring essential goods and services to the community. All companies can take advantage of nine weeks as layoffs in the exemption.
As provided for in the decree, loans for up to 18 months are suspended for all those in financial difficulty. A 200 million “last resort” fund was created to help those who had earned less than 10,000 euros in 2019 and now, again due to the health emergency, has had to stop. Who is working in this month of March will have a bonus of 100 euros.
Conte: “Nobody should feel abandoned”
For families with children, special leave arrives, paid 50 percent up to 15 days. Or alternatively there is a 600 euro babysitter bonus; up to a thousand euros for doctors and health technicians. The government also took into account ad hoc measures for taxi drivers and postmen.
There are also resources to support publishing as well as refunds for shows. “The government – remarked Prime Minister Conte – is close to businesses, professionals, families, to all those who are making a supreme sacrifice to protect the highest good. Nobody should feel abandoned and this decree proves it. Italy is promoting a message to all the institutions of the European Union”.