Emergency in Italy. The national government has put in place new restrictive measures to deal with the spread of Covid-19 throughout the country. “To have an effective response of these measures we will have to wait a couple of weeks”, reiterated Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.
In fact, the president of the Council of Ministers established the closure of several activities while keeping essential services open. First of all, supermarkets and pharmacies that will not be closed. The new provisions are effective from March 12 to March 25. During this period, the movement of people must also be limited.
Emergency in Italy, the businesses that have been closed
For the next few days, therefore, commercial activities regarding hairdressers, beauty centers and food services will be closed. Shops, bars, pubs and restaurants too. Conte also pointed out: “The canteen services which do not guarantee the safety distance of one meter must close. The company departments that produce non-essential products remain closed.
Industries and factories can continue to carry out their production activities provided that adequate safety measures to avoid contagion are taken. The regulation of work shifts, days off, closure of non-essential departments is encouraged “.
Prime Minister Conte: “Let’s remain focused and responsible”
“If the numbers continue to rise, that’s not unlikely at all – the premier stressed – does not mean that we will have to hurry to launch new measures. We won’t have to make a blind race to the abyss. We will have to be focused, responsible”. The prime minister also insisted that “there is no rush to buy food: the grocery stores remain open”.
Businesses that remain open
Conte confirmed that home delivery is allowed in the next days of maximum emergency. For productive activities, agile working, days off and permits should be encouraged as much as possible. Factories will remain open but “with security measures. The activities of the agricultural, zootechnical and agri-food processing sectors, including the supply chains that offer goods and services with respect to these activities, will be guaranteed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations “.
Plumbers, mechanics, tobacconists and petrol pumps also remain open. Artisans will also remain open whehter they are considered essential services. In addition, essential public services are guaranteed, including transport and utilities. Newsagents and printing activities are also open.
Domenico Arcuri, from Calabria, is the Commissioner Delegate for this Emergency in Italy
Domenico Arcuri will be the new commissioner delegate, with broad derogating powers. Conte remarked: “The commissioner delegated will have to strengthen the response of the hospital structures. The commissioner will have wide derogating powers, will work to strengthen above all the production and distribution of equipment for intensive and sub-intensive therapy.
He can also create and set up new factories for the production of these equipments and make up for the shortcomings found so far. Commissioner Arcuri will coordinate with Dr. Borrelli of Civil Protection who is doing an incredible job.”
Domenico Arcuri, expert in economics and industrial policy
Domenico Arcuri, 57, was born in Melito Porto Salvo in the province of Reggio Calabria. The new commissioner has a degree in economics and business and has a long managerial career behind him. Currently Arcuri collaborates with Bocconi, Federico II and Luiss “Guido Carli” universities as professor and expert in economic and industrial policy.