pot with bacon rigatoni and basil leaf

Rigatoni with potatoes, bacon and basil

Pasta and potatoes is an ancient dish of the Neapolitan tradition, it is part of the so-called “poor dishes” of Neapolitan cuisine and was born with mixed pasta, as it was used to prepare it to consume the leftovers of different types of pasta left in the pantry. In my recipe I used rigatoni, a pasta that, thanks to its shape and ruled surface, lends itself well to recipes rich in seasoning.

Production time: 30 minutes
Degree of difficulty (from 1 to 5): 2

Ingredients for 2 people

180 g of rigatoni
1 large potato
1 clove of garlic
3 basil leaves
1 slice of provola
extra virgin olive oil
2 slices of bacon (30/40 g)
grated Parmesan cheese
salt (very little)

foreground of the Rigatoni with bacon and basil

Procedure to make Rigatoni with potatoes, bacon and basil

I washed and peeled the potato, cut into cubes and put to cook in a pot plenty of water and with a pinch of salt. Meanwhile, in a pan, I prepared the sauce. I poured the oil with the garlic clove, the chopped bacon and the chopped basil leaves (I do it with my hands, it remains more fragrant).
As soon as the potato cubes are cooked, I added the rigatoni and when cooked, drain everything and pour it into the pan with the sauce, sauté over high heat, add the Parmesan and the provola and turn off as soon as it begins to spin.

view from above of the pot with rigatoni

Serve and add a sprinkling of freshly ground pepper.
The recipe was made by Amerigo Morgia.


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