migliore cardiochirurgo del mondo - foto di un chirurgo

The best radial heart surgeon in the world is Italian

Everyone knows that in the United States there are the most advanced hospital facilities on the planet. But it is often Italian minds who excel in the medical field, which every year churns out of the highly trained doctors. Thanks to an innovative intervention, in fact, Giuseppe Migliore, forty-four years old from Caltanissetta, was elected as the best cardiac surgeon in the world.

The best radial surgeon in the world

It was an operation of coronary angioplasty to consecrate the fame of Giuseppe Migliore, elected in the United States as the best cardiac surgeon in the world. The technique with which the nisseno has faced the intervention, in fact, represents a pioneering approach to perform an angioplasty. The cardiac surgeon, in fact, has carried out a radial access, ie passing through the artery of the wrist to reach the heart. This technique has replaced the more conventional one that would see access through the femoral artery. Benefit from a 52-year-old patient, who is honored to have lent her heart to scientific progress.

migliore cardiochirurgo del mondo - foto dell'ago per l'angioplastica
Dr. Giuseppe Migliore. Source: Seguo News

This operating technique, which reduces the risks, the times and the costs of intervention, was born in Italy. During the specialization at the Cisanello di Pisa hospital, in fact, he learned this different approach to angioplasty, which he then deepened in Amsterdam at Professor Ferdinand Kiemeneij who was the first to do it this way. And this is how the doctor, who works at the Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia-Cervello of Palermo, has shown the world that in the South of Italy there are still world-class excellences.

Proud to be Italian and Sicilian

It was so much satisfaction for Dr. Migliore, who did not hesitate to perform an operation made so complicated due to the small size of the radial artery. With pride, in fact, at the awarding of the prize, he reminded us that “the excellences there are also here is that the journeys of hope no longer serve”. A statement that gives voice to the many talented doctors who work in Italy and who do not feel second to other professionals who work, often, in much more advanced facilities.

migliore cardiochirurgo del mondo - Il dottor Giuseppe Migliore
Dr. Giuseppe Migliore. Source: Seguo News

The fair membership, however, can not retain forever valid professionals in a country that should invest more in scientific research. He admits, in fact, that he had done more than one thought about going to work abroad, but his love for Sicily and his family kept him. This choice, certainly taken with difficulty, has not, however, led to rethinking for Doctor Migliore. In fact, he believes in a bright future for his region and uses a very important quote to reiterate: “As Paolo Borsellino said? One day this land will be beautiful. Here, I believe it. ” And we Italians can not but be proud of a professional who is the best of last name … and in fact.


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