coronavirus 24 marzo

5249 infections today, but the growth of positive cases decreases

Unfortunately, today the long-awaited drop in infections has not arrived, but in the meantime the growth of the currently positive cases is declining, for the third day in a row.

After two days in decline, today infections grow again

Unfortunately, the positive trend that began on March 22, with the number of infected people falling, today has stopped. On March 24, the number of infected people has risen to 5249 cases, 460 more than yesterday. It is not the result we all hoped for, but the rise recorded is not very high. There are also other data to analyze.

diminuisce la crescita - grafico dati di marzo

Other important data

The growth of positive cases for the third day in a row decreases. Excellent news, hoping that the numbers will continue to fall. Today (March 24) the figure is in fact 3612, 168 less than yesterday and -345 compared to March 22. The curve of the daily percentage, that is how the growth in percentage terms of the total cases varies day by day, has remained almost the same. This figure recorded an increase of only 0.1%, from 8.1% to 8.2%, remaining below 10%, an excellent result if we think that only on March 19th it was 14.9%.


The number of infections will drop if we stay at home

We must continue to stay at home, and then continue the quarantine. It is not easy, but we must do it for the good of everybody. For the sake of the weakest and most at risk, for doctors and nurses on the front line, for those who are working to keep the country going. The important thing right now is that everyone does their part. Together we can slow down the spread of the virus, and prevent the collapse of healthcare facilities. After that we can focus on the complete defeat of the virus. But step by step.

The number of death has risen

The most negative figure today, that we would not have liked to see, is an increase in the number of victims: from 602 yesterday to 743 today, 141 more than yesterday.


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