They are healed! If you believe in signs, this is a good one
The first patients suffering from Covid-19, recorded in Italy, are officially declared “healed”. That’s good news and we want to share it with you, because it comes just in these […]
The first patients suffering from Covid-19, recorded in Italy, are officially declared “healed”. That’s good news and we want to share it with you, because it comes just in these […]
It’s called “Do not throw them on the ground”, the communication campaign launched by the Metropolitan City of Milan to raise awareness on its citizens to the correct disposal of personal
Cominciata solo lunedì, l’attesa Fase Due è già stata ribattezzata Il tempo della Gentilezza. Definizione coniata da Flavio Ronzi, Segretario Generale della Croce Rossa italiana. Quello che stiamo vivendo –