The total number of positive cases falls for the first time!
Data recoreded today, April 20th, is still very encouraging, with continuous drops in many important areas. The news of the day For the first time since the beginning of the […]
Data recoreded today, April 20th, is still very encouraging, with continuous drops in many important areas. The news of the day For the first time since the beginning of the […]
Oggi, 20 aprile, i dati registrati sono ancora molto incoraggianti, con continui cali in molti dati importanti. La notizia del giorno Per la prima volta da inizio pandemia, il numero
Tra i tanti dubbi, le perplessità, le paure e la “follia” di questo periodo, una cosa è sicura: entreremo nella storia! Sta a noi decidere come verremo ricordati, come verrà
Books keep company, especially in these days when we have to stay home in order to avoid Covid-19 transmission. So let’s make room for themed readings, essays, but also escape
The government has allocated allowances (the famous bonuses) to cope with the emergency. You can claim the bonus for the entire month of April 2020 through CAF, patronage or on
The European Union has launched a lifesaver to countries affected by the coronavirus emergency. The SURE Instrument was presented, a 100 billion euro solidarity tool to help businesses and workers.