Leonardo da Vinci, the unmatched genius in history
Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the Renaissance who had no equal in history. Five hundred years ago, on May 2nd 1519, Leonardo died in Amboise in France. In Italy […]
Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the Renaissance who had no equal in history. Five hundred years ago, on May 2nd 1519, Leonardo died in Amboise in France. In Italy […]
For this dish I used Venus rice. The black colour denotes the presence of antioxidant substances in the coating of rice grains, and is a variety of brown rice. Compared
Vi è mai capitato di sentir parlare di una “Torino esoterica”? Il capoluogo sabaudo è una città colma di fascino e arte, ma proprio lì, tra quei palazzi, capolavori del